
Smutsoteric.com is a web site devoted to the fine art of finding smut in everyday things. Not everyone can find smut in a seemingly innocent painting, a shadow cast by the evening sun or even a root vegetable. However, for those chosen few that can, Smutsoteric.com is your site. You can also now follow smutsoteric on twitter.

The picture that started it all

This image is a genuine, undoctored, not-photoshopped photograph of a shadow cast on the roof of an adjacent building. It was taken by a friend of mine called Ray and it typifies the very essence of the smutsoteric.

Ray's phallic shadow

Why smutsoteric?

It’s just a combination of “smut” and “esoteric”.

Smut is, in the British slang sense, anything that’s obscene. It’s not usually used to describe anything really offensive but just something that’s relatively minor.

If something is described as esoteric then it’s only understandable by an “enlightened inner circle”.

So, smutsoteric… smut, found within everyday things, that will often only be spotted by an enlightened few 😉

Slip one in

If you’ve got a photograph that’s suitable for smutsoteric then please send it to: submissions@smutsoteric.com

Please remember that submissions should be inadvertently smutty and not doctored/photoshopped to be smutty. Smutsoteric can only accept submissions if you took the photograph yourself or you can prove you can give permission for smutsoteric to use it.

The greatest form of flattery

If a sign belonging to your company or other work appears on this site, please enjoy the limelight and don’t take offence. The images depicted here are just for entertainment and no malice is intended. If you do want me to remove something of yours then do let me know: remove@smutsoteric.com

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